Scandal saison final "it's handled"
Mesdames, c’est Jeudi ! Vous savez toutes ce que cela implique comme charge émotionnelle. Ce soir Olivia Pope et sa bande de gladiateurs reviennent pour une dernière saison. Une dernière danse, où Miss Pope va devoir lutter contre l’obscurité qui veut l’ensevelir. Elle va pour une dernière fois nous écraser par sa présence et son phrasée unique. Alors, pour vous aider à patienter, revenons sur les 6 phrases cultes de Miss Pope.
Saison 1 épisode 1 "Sweet baby"
"My gut tells me everything i need to know."
Saison 2 épisode 13 "Nobody Likes Babies"
“I want painful, difficult, devastating, life-changing, extraordinary love.”
Saison 3 épisode 12 "We do not touch the first ladies"
"I am not a prize at the state fair, you can't win me. My whole life is not about you. I have goals. I have dreams. I do this for me, Jake by my side is for me,"
Saison 4 épisode 22 "You can't take command"
"I'm sick of being comforted. I'm sick of fighting and losing. I'm sick of him being in my way. I am not his victim. I am not his child. And right now? Right now I don't want to gladiate for everyone else. I want this. I want this. This is mine, Jake. I want what's mine. I'm owed! And watch me take it! And then, for once in his life, he's the scared kid and I'm command and he's got nothing, no one. He's trapped because you can't take Command, right?"
Saison 5 épisode 21 « That’s my girl »
"Mediocrity is not an option for me. I don't want that and neither should you."
Saison 6 épisode 16 "Transfert to power"
"I’m here to make few things clear to you one you have no holds over Fitz it’s gone two Mellie is mine, mine to advise mine to protect [..] You’re retired."
Rendez-vous lundi pour un débriefing intense de Scandal.